M&A Express:

Do you know your company’s current value? Everybody has an idea of what their business is worth, but it’s frequently inaccurate. There's more to a Valuation than simply earnings times a multiple. [...]

M&A Express:
Outsourcing for Success

Discusses the aspects of risks vs. rewards when selecting and choosing a suitable candidate to partner with you for the journey ahead. When facing supply chain disruptions and staffing HR issues, [...]

M&A Express:
Forward Thinking

Winners don’t leave it to Chance; they plan ahead for success. You’re in the driver’s seat of your business and need to avoid dangerous curves. Read the 5 Forces of a strategic plan and [...]

M&A Express:
Old Life, New Life

Isn't it time you started enjoying life? You can begin again. Face your future with confidence, preparation, an action plan and a business plan with strategies to improve profitability. There is [...]